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When I was working at Cordis, I wrote John a letter telling him about some of what I'd been through at the hands of our parents in 1980/1981. A short time later, my former psychiatrist, Dr. Sanford Jacobson, contacted me at work.

He told me that my mother, Donna Jean (Volkmer) Landsberg, had been pestering him to have me committed. She would not leave him alone, he told me.

I knew right away she must have been reacting to the letter I'd sent to my brother. He never sent me a reply. Dr. Jacobson, a true honor to his profession, protected me. Regardless of the pressures my mother and her associates put on him, he protected me.

Years later, I was visiting my mother's apartment at Waterside. I believe it was my last visit before moving to Virginia, and, as I recall, that was also the day I asked to be able to go through the box of family photos she kept in her bedroom closet.

The photos and report cards I was given permission to take away that day have allowed me to substantiate my perception of the resemblance between the Mystery Man and my father.

I believe that was the same day she confronted me, as explained elsewhere (see

I emailed her son John recently. I'd gotten his email address off the internet. He did not remark about the above. I thought perhaps his wife had intercepted my letter to him, or that there some other way to excuse him from ratting me out to our mother after having told him only the truth in my letter.

My mother, that day, exclaimed, "But look what you wrote to your brother!"

I replied, "All I did was tell him the truth."

She said, "I know." 

Date: 5/27/04 2:09:55 PM Central Daylight Time

From: LHann10243


BCC: LHann10243

Dear John,

Since I have been labeled as mentally ill for the last 24 years, I decided to learn more about the parents who started this whole thing that has completely destroyed my life.

I learned about Todd's kidney transplant from an internet search, and contacted the reporter, James A. Fussell of the Kansas City Star, who wrote the article, "After transplant from father, son runs for the health of it." I asked him how your family would have known so early in his life that Todd's kidney would have to be replaced. I had no way of knowing if you knew we had a family history of kidney problems.

Did you know that Mark died from acute nephritis, and that he was missing his right kidney from birth? I spoke with Herk the other day -- he said he knew about it. I learned about it a few years ago because I sent away for Mark's death certificate. I strongly resent Donna and Harry for not telling me this because this is a family medical history issue that should not been kept from anyone.

In '84 when I worked at Cordis Corporation, as you will recall, I mailed you a letter detailing some of the weirdness Donna and Harry had put me through as they were attempting to have me discredited as being mentally ill in 1981 -- when I was a senior in college at the U of Miami. I strongly resent the fact that instead of responding to me, you contacted mom and revealed the contents of my confidential letter.

I had been trying to get justice in this matter of my alleged mental illness and would have appreciated your help. When you contacted mom, she contacted my psychiatrist, Dr. Jacobson, and pestered him to have me committed.

He called me at Cordis and alerted me about what she was trying to do. He asked me to get her off his back. I knew immediately that she was reacting to my letter to you. Mom confirmed that a few years later.

I am not mentally ill, John, and never have been. The times when I have been diagnosed as schizophrenic were when mom and dad set up the situations in my life. Dr. Sanford Jacobson, whom I saw for two years between the set-up "mental illness" times, diagnosed me with chronic dysthymic disorder, which is a mild form of depression.

In the years since leaving Miami, I have been uniformly diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder -- not schizophrenia.

I have been collecting information on the parental units that I believe is significant. I have shared this information various researchers over the years.

As for the JFK assassination info, one prominent professor/author has given me strong positive feedback on dad's resemblance to a man taking bogus measurements with now-Senator Arlen Specter in their attempt to prove the ridiculous "single bullet theory."

This author believes I have blown the cover of a man whose cover was never meant to be blown by "any knowing person." But since I am a daughter and not a person with access to classified information, I am free to disclose what I wish -- about Harry, as a possible perpetrator in the cover-up -- and about anything else having to do with the family that was so careless about the harsh reality of my life.


 I would like to know what you know about the death of Donna and Harry's firstborn in DC. In 1991 or '92 Mary visited me in VA and said she'd asked mom where the child was buried so that she could visit the grave. She said mom told her she didn't recall where HER OWN FIRSTBORN SON WAS BURIED. Herk said he went with mom and dad to Annapolis, MD, when he was in high school, and that mom and dad visited the infant's grave in DC while Herk was asleep in the car. Herk's understanding was that the firstborn died from pneumonia at 3 months of age. I was told that the firstborn died from dehydration due to diarrhea at 6 weeks of age. Mom told me she got tired of BOTHERING the neighbors to phone the doctor on this infant's behalf. Also that some neighbors looked askance at her, she said, because the baby cried so much they acted as if she must have been harming him.

I would also like to know what you know about Mark's death, what you know about Donna and Harry employment in DC in the 1940's, what you know about dad's post DC employment history, and what you know about Gar Garland and his business activities.

For example, I was told by mom that she was the secretary to the 2nd in command in the Department of the Navy (which would have been the Undersecretary of the Navy.) According to the timeframe given, if it's true, she would probably have worked for James Forrestal. He died under very suspicious circumstances at Bethesda Naval Hospital in 1949.

I recall her boasting, once, that a famous movie star sat on the edge of her desk while he was waiting to speak with her boss. Do you recall who she was referring to? Could it have been Tyrone Power?

Uncle Charlie recently stated that he didn't know who she worked for in the Navy. I asked Herk how she could have been good enough to get on with the Undersecretary of the Navy, and he said he didn't know -- that he'd never asked her.

I was told dad worked for the John B. Rodgers film/theater company while they lived in DC. Herky was told dad was an ironworker at that time.

I asked Herk what dad was doing in '64 when the Warren Commission re-enactment was taking place. It is his understanding that dad was self-employed at CleLand Partition at that time. But Ohio Corporation records indicate that CleLand Partition was dissolved in December of 1961.

Dad listed it as his place of employment on my Feb '59 birth certificate, though he had not created that company until six weeks after my birth, in April of '59.

Give my best to Todd and Jenny. Hopefully you will have the nerve to share these family mysteries with them -- they have every right to know about these things. This research has been my life's work, as I have been unable to have a life outside the home (except for institutionalizations, of course) because of the way slander and set-ups follow me wherever I go.

I guess time will tell whether or not my research has legs. Your bullshit PR skills may get a workout in the near future if it does. I plan to do EVERYTHING in my power to see that those who care about the subjects I've researched (and the things that I've lived through) get a chance to help me correct these grave injustices.

I believe in God, and believe that I am being guided and protected.



Forwarded Message:

Resemblance to man in photo with Specter -- my late father

Date: 5/27/04 10:38:49 AM Central Daylight Time




From: (LauraH)

Newsgroups: alt.assassination.jfk

Subject: Resemblance to man in photo with Specter -- my late father


Message-ID: <>

Home page:

I took an interest in the JFK assassination after reading Harrison

E. Livingstone's book "High Treason: The Assassination of JFK & the

Case for Conspiracy" in 1990 or '91. In August, 1992, when I received

my copy of "U.S. News and World Report" magazine, I was immediately

interested in the cover story "JFK: The Untold Story of the Warren


I flipped through the article and when I came to pages 38 and 39 I

was in for quite a shock. One of the men in the "single bullet

theory" photo with Arlen Specter looked just like my father, Harry E.

Landsberg, Jr.

Click on the link below and scroll down to the second photo. The

image on the right is from pages 38-39 of that U.S. News and World

Report issue. The man who resembles my father is wearing a straw hat.

I had realized by that time in my life that there were many things I

didn't actually know about my family, but I'd never suspected my

father might have played a role in the JFK assassination


I have routinely been discredited as being mentally ill by my family

-- from the time I was a senior in college (1981) at the University of

Miami in Coral Gables, FL. My reputation for being mentally ill

persists to this day.

More info on that here:

(GNN Forums);=267463;=268165;=268248;=269725;=270149;=276375


Back to the stuff about my father...

Here is an enlarged image of the man in the magazine photo:

Here is a collage of photos of my dad at various ages, with a photo

of the man in the magazine in the mix:

It may be relevant that the man in the straw hat is dressed

differently than the other men in the photo. Harry was rather

notorious for his loud clothing, though I don't recall that he wore

loud print shirts as much as pink, purple and polka-dotted outfits.

Earlier this year, as I was reading the book "Assassination

Science", I found another photo of the man in the straw hat. (Edited

by James H. Fetzer, Ph.D., Catfeet Press, Chicago, 1998, page 36).

It's the second of two photos in Warren Commission Exhibit 900 (CE

900). I was able to find this photo on-line in the "History Matters

Warren Commission Archive." The exhibit is in "Warren Commission:

Hearings and Exhibits" Volume XVIII.

CE 900 photo #2:

The photo reveals the right profile of this man. I was able to find

a photo of my father in a similar pose. My photo is hand-dated

October 1962, so it would have been taken two years before the Warren

Commission photo. The enlargement of CE 900 is very unclear, but the

man appears quite cleary to have white hair, as did Harry, and the

sizes of the noses seem reasonably similar. I can only conclude that

Harry cannot yet be ruled out.


Original (front & back)

I put some of this information up on a web page, drawing from posts

I'd made to the Yahoo CIA-drugs_Darkside group. The day after I'd

found that photo in "Assassination Science" and had read about Leon

Jaworski and his connection to the alleged CIA front "MD Anderson

Cancer Clinic," I tracked a hit from someone at the MD Anderson Cancer

Clinic on my very low-traffic website. I saved this "extreme

tracking" info on my hard-drive and on data CD's but the files are



The name Harry Earl Landsberg, Jr. does not appear in the Warren

Commission index, nor have I been able to find this name associated

with any aspect of the assassination. The only possible connection

seems to be the resemblance between my father and this man.

There are other oddities, though. I knew my father as a traveling

salesman and then later as an apartment manager, but it is possible

that he may have been an engineer and kept this hidden. There are a

few things which would seem to contradict that conclusion, however.

When I was in high school and college I helped my parents in their

apartment management offices on Sundays. One Sunday, in dad's office,

I noticed his resume in an in-box. I looked it over and saw that he

had gone to a Polytechnic Institute. He told me he'd never gone to

college, but that he had studied art after high school. I assumed

then that a Polytechnic Institute was some kind of an art school.

Years later my husband corrected me. He told me that M.I.T., for

example, was a Polytechnic Institute.

According to records obtained from John Marshall High School in

Lakewood, OH, my father graduated 55th in a class of 58 students.

This would seem to contradict an admission to a Polytechnic Institute.

In addition, when he was 21 years old, his Social Security

application listed his employer as a Cleveland grocer, which is

consistent with photo "Top Right" above.

Social Security application:

However, during the years I worked in their offices I noticed that

dad frequently received mail addressed as "Harry E. Landsberg, Jr. OR

The Engineering Research Institute of Florida." I asked him about

this once and he was hesitant to explain. When I persisted he said

he'd created a corporation having to do with pre-fab houses he was

building in Homestead, Florida. I do not know if he actually did

build homes, but he and mother are on record as having bought and sold

various homes in Dade County, Florida.

In my senior year of college I became motivated to do whatever I

could to learn more about my family. Among other things, I called the

Secretary of State's Office in Florida to ask about this corporation.

I was told there was nothing listed under that name. To date I have

found nothing in the archives at the Secretary of State's Office with

a similar name. It is possible that this "Institute" was registered

in another state.

Part of my snooping at that time revealed that my parents paid a

regular monthly payment to something with "Virginia" in the pay-to.

The amount was over $700 per month, but I cannot recall if it was $750

or $780. I did not know what this could be. It might have been a

mortgage payment. There was another regular monthly payment of $400

-- one I did understand. These and other considerable expenses were

somehow supported on a modest apartment manager's salary. As

explained below, there might have been military disability pay, and,

in the late 70's, there were Social Security payments to supplement

this income.

In the late 1960's, when we lived in Ohio before moving to Miami,

Florida, my father was a "sales engineer" for a large corporation.

(See photo "Bottom Left" above. His occupation is listed as "sales

engineer." I deleted the name of the corporation.) Last year I

emailed this firm to ask if their sales engineers are indeed

engineers. I was told that many, but not all, of their sales

engineers are engineers.

In 1970 we sold our roomy suburban home and most of our possessions

and moved to Miami Beach, FL, where my parents became an apartment

management team for a small complex. We had apparently fallen on hard

times. My father painted hallways and made repairs for tenants for

six months and then we moved to Greater Miami to a larger apartment

complex. From that time on, until 1981 when I moved out, I observed

that my father was rarely on the premises in his role as apartment

manager. He would usually say that he'd been out golfing. He was, in

fact, an avid golfer.


My parents said they moved to Washington D.C. shortly after they

were married. They were married in '41 or '42 and, as the story goes,

mom was the secretary to the Undersecretary of the Navy -- to the 2nd

in command, was my understanding -- and dad was a salesman for a

film/theater company based out of Fostoria, Ohio (John B. Rodgers & Co

-- also spelled Rogers). Later, they said, they moved to Hamburg, NY,

and then back to Ohio where they settled in the Cleveland area until

moving to Miami.

Dad had various sales jobs in the years between 1950 - 1970,

according to information obtained from various siblings' birth

certificates, and according to my own memory. On my birth certificate

(February 1959) he was listed as self-employed under the name of a

company he is on record for having registered about six weeks later,

in April. That company was dissolved in December 1961.

I asked my father once if he'd ever been in the Army. He told me

that he'd wanted to join but they wouldn't accept him because of

circulation problems in his legs. He added that they offered to do

experimental surgery on him to help correct this problem. He accepted

the offer, he said, but the surgery was not a success. I accepted his

explanation, and he did have circulation problems.

The day he died I accompanied mother to the funeral home and sat

with her while the financial arrangements were made. When she was

asked if my father qualified for VA burial benefits, she said yes. My

husband recalls me coming home that night and expressing confusion

about that. We thought my father had never served in the military.

Last year I looked up what it takes to qualify for VA burial

benefits. My father would have had to complete substantial military

service to qualify for VA burial benefits, unless a single failed

experimental surgery would have sufficed to qualify him.

I am estranged from my family and cannot inquire about this, though

there is no reason to think I would be told the truth. I do not know

which branch of the military he might have served in.

Update November 14, 2002: In the spring of this year I sent in a

request for my father's military records. I decided to try Army

first, and if that didn't produce results, I would try the others. On

October 28, 2002, I received a Certification of Military Service from

the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, MO. Harry served

in the Army for a brief period in 1943 (45 days).

Certification of Military Service:


Update May 12, 2003: On April 24, 2003, I wrote a letter to Lyndal

L. Shaneyfelt, to whom the US News & World Report photo was

attributed. I enclosed a copy of that picture and a copy of CE 900,

with the man in question circled, asking if he could help me identify


He responded that he does not know the individual in the photocopies

I sent, but suggested that he may be "the chief surveyor who with his

crew determined the distances and angles from the president to the

various poimts [sic] such as the triple overpass, the window of the

Book Depository, and other locations of interest."

It had been suggested to me by more than one researcher that the man

in question might be Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt himself. (Tom Purvis at

Lancer stated it as a fact that the man was Shaneyfelt. Allan

Eagelsham assumed it was Shaneyfelt because a "sniper's nest photo"

shirt he wore was similar to the shirt worn by the man who resembles

my father. But I found another man in the Specter photo that looked

just like Shaneyfelt -- wearing a white shirt.)

(I would load Shaneyfelt's letter to my home page but have been

unable to edit or upload files in recent days.)


Click below for more photographs of my father:


Update 5/27/04

In the past year I caught my husband, Richard Hanning, Jr. in

several lies about his military service. According to various

versions of his story, he also served (though in the Marines) just

through basic training. I met him in 1985 while working a temp job

for a friend of my father's -- at a Marine Covering manufacturing

shop. Richard was earning minimum wage then.

He told me that he scored the highest-ever on the Dade County

entrance exam for the Marines, and that he signed a contract

exclusively for stateside service. He said he did basic training at

Parris island, got the highest rifle rating (which I believe is

"expert") and then learned that his group was going to be sent to

Algiers. According to his first story, his mother contacted Dante

Fascell (D-FL) to get him out. This past year I asked her about that

and she denied having anything to do with helping him get released

from his contract. She said he got himself out.

When I confronted him about this, he said he told that lie because

he had seen so many deaths during basic training (?) When asked

again, he said he was medically discharged for an asthmatic condition.

He told me he turned down a scholarship to Cal Poly Tech in order to

join the Marines. Most recently, he told me that the scholarship to

Cal Poly had not been offered to him until two weeks after he'd

already committed himself to the Marines.

Turns out I know very little about my husband of 18 years. He has

some weird things in common with my dad -- "the Polytechnic

Institute" stuff, and the discharge-after-basic-training only. When

we were dating he told me that he had been a cocaine dealer in Miami a

few years before we met. He bragged about having had up to 15K in his

pocket at any given time. He claimed to know some of the biggest

Columbian drug dealers, but I don't recall their names. Perhaps

Richard and my dad knew each other in Miami before 1985. Richard

denies this.

According to Hanning Family lore, Richard's mom was a photographer for

the Navy with a Top Secret clearance. His father was in the Navy, and

that's where they met. Her second husband was also a Navy man.

I believed Richard was my protector all these years, and I was very

devoted to him. He appeared to struggle from one job to another,

moving my son and me all over the country, putting us under extreme

stress. I thought he had made himself a target on my behalf, because

I had been a target -- and I deeply regretted introducing this baggage

into his life. Since I was sufferring from severe post-traumatic

stress when I met him, the constant subsequent stress eventually broke

me. He forced us to move frequently, to live above our means, to

accrue an enormous amount of debt. He strongly disapproved of me

getting therapy or support for the substantial trauma I experienced as

a child and a young woman. I now believe he deliberately created

extreme stress in our lives, that he had never been a target, but that

I have been the target all along.

I just recently realized that the stress increased a thousandfold in

the months after I discovered this photo of my father in "US News &

World Report."

I am in the process of divorcing Richard because I no longer trust

his intentions toward me or our son. He is attempting to cut off the

funds my son and I need for our basic living expenses.

Our son had the potential for a brilliant academic career but all

the moving-related stress and recent family stress have weakened him

to the point that now, as a senior in high school, and president of

his class, he may not even be able to graduate.


I broke a ten year silence and contacted two family members for more

information on my parents.

A maternal uncle, Charles Volkmer, said he didn't know who my

mother, Donna Jean Volkmer Landsberg, did secretarial work for in the

Navy in the 1940's. He claimed not to recall where they were married

or even if he and his wife Ruth had attended the wedding. He seemed

unsurprised by my phone call, and asked for proof for my suspicion

that my father was a deep cover spook.

I contacted my brother, Harry III (Herky), and asked him about

various things having to do with our mom and dad. I learned that we

have different versions of family lore in a few significant areas.

Herky said when the parents were in DC in the early-mid 1940's, he

understood that our dad was an ironworker ("built multi-story

buildings… [unintelligible] out on the iron") and that dad had worked

in Sandusky, OH, "at Plumbrook which was a big military thing that

they were building, and then I think they went to Washington DC and he

still did that."

I was told dad worked for a film/theater company (John B. Rodgers &

Co) when he and mom lived in DC. In fact, some of my parents' friends

created a scrapbook (in the mid-1970's) of our parents' significant

moments together and they included a reference to dad's work with John

B. Rodgers & Co.

I asked, "How do you suppose mom got on with the Undersecretary of the

Navy? Was she that good?"

He replied, "I don't know… no, I don't … I've never asked her. I

don't think it was a really a very long thing in their life."

It was Herky's understanding that our dad had been in the military and

had been medically discharged. "He was called … I think it was

'44/'45 … he had been called several times and varicose veins always

prevented him from going. But they got so desperate for troops they

did draft him and he did pass the physical but then he was discharged

to basic training… he entered and was in basic training, but I'd say

just a couple of months."

Herky seemed surprised to learn that our dad was "honorably

discharged." (I, personally, don't know the difference between a

medical discharge and an honorable discharge– 'Certification of

Military Service' link from my home page -- link above.)

I was told that our dad had never been in the military, but that

he'd agreed to experimental surgery for circulation problems in his


My brother, Herky, sincerely believes that I am mentally ill -- it

is an unearned reputation I have apparently been unable to shake. I

recently mailed him a packet containing some of the information I've

accrued over the years.


…."Herky, dad was a salesman all those years – different places –

stuff like that?"


"Do you know what he did with Gar Garland? Like ... they shared

office space – I thought it was in Lakewood (OH)."

"Yeah, but they didn't have any business dealings together."

"Right. They shared office space. Do you have any idea what Gar


"Okay, I … Gar married money."

"Lois had money?"

"Yes, well, owned a couple of shares … [unintelligible] … freighter

… sand and gravel. That's all I knew… [unintelligible] .. ships."


Gar and dad were close. They shared office space in the Cleveland

area for a few years. I never knew what Gar did. Dad was working for

EFCO at that time, as I recall (Economy Forms Corporation). Dad

supposedly had a secretary, but my sister and I never met her. We

were permitted to play at her desk on days when dad would bring us to

the office.

A search at showed that Gar & Lois' son is a veteran of

the 441st Military Intelligence Detachment (CIC) -- Vietnam, 1967-71.

I was searching on the Garland name for personal reasons and took note

of the 441st entry because it was mentioned in Dick Russell's, "The

Man Who Knew Too Much" (page 109).


"Truth or Dare: The Lives and Lies of Richard Case Nagell" by David


"In the fall of 1957, Richard Case Nagell was reportedly working for

the US Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), 441st Counter

Intelligence Corps Group, at Field Operations Intelligence's Far East

headquarters in Tokyo.(1) According to Nagell, he was supervising a

review of classified Military Intelligence files,(2) but also "a

non-paid, confidential informant" of the CIA.(3)"

Herky and my other brother, John, were both in the Army during the

Nam years, though, according to family lore, neither served a tour of

duty there. John was a journalist in Seattle, Washington and Herk was

a paratrooper in Guam.

I asked Herky what he understood that our dad was doing in 1964. He

replied that, as he understood it, our dad owned Cle-Land Partition

then (in Bay Village, OH), and that he had done work with him. "We

made wooden partition for offices…"

I was born in February, 1959, and my birth certificate listed

CleLand Partition as my father's place of employment.

According to Cuyahoga County /Ohio Corporate records, CleLand

partition was created six weeks after my birth -- in April 1959, and

dissolved in December 1961.

Laura Hanning (formerly Laura Landsberg)

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Subj: Hi Kid!!

Date: 5/27/04 3:05:19 PM Central Daylight Time

From: (John Landsberg)


To: (Laura Hann)

It was great hearing from you again after all these years. I

have read all the information you provided and found it very interesting.

I can try to address a few issues. As far as the kidney

transplant goes Todd was diagnosed very early with what's called Alport's

Syndrome. It's a disease that causes hearing and kidney (I know it sounds

odd) problems. As his kidneys failed his hearing got worse. With the

transplant he is doing great and his hearing loss has leveled off.

I can't really discuss many of the issues in dad's life very

intelligently. I can say that I find many of the things you mentioned

highly improbable. Dad could sell ice to Eskimos. He was a great

salesman because he was a bullshitter (yes, like me). But to think he

might be involved in some high-level nefarious things is a stretch. He was

totally undisciplined and would go golfing anytime for any reason.

In those days lots of folks were called "sales engineers" and

very few had actual engineering degrees. I worked for an engineering firm

and most of those geeks couldn't sell anything. Our sales engineers were

sales guys who knew a little bit about construction. Dad started and got

bored with all kinds of companies. He had the attention span of a gnat.

In Florida it was my understanding he was collecting social

security and mom was doing the work. He basically was retired for much of

the time there. He worked as a "starter" at a country club so he could play

golf for free.

I'm sorry to hear that this stuff has consumed your

life all this time. If you send me your address I will be glad to send

Rich a graduation gift.

I love you kid. --John

Bottom Line Communications

John Landsberg

(913) 338-5760;Fax: (913) 327-7311

Mobile: (913) 710-3760

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My Guide says John loved me but he could not stand up to his mother or his wife.

He picked some of us up at the airport once while he and Donna (wife) were living in their first house in Bay Village. Donna had not yet taken her bar exam by that time. (They lived just behind St. Raphael's when she was remarking about how nervous she was about the exam. She was sick until she got the results, and she had done very well.)

We stopped at a lounge on the way to Bay Village from the airport. John and I danced, and then he whispered in my ear, "Don't tell Donna."

The summer before my parents and all others destroyed my immortal soul for the first time, John and Donna were living in the house behind St. Raphael's. John and I took a walk one evening and sat down to talk on the steps in front of the the building where the priests lived.

He asked me something like how could I love a man (Dino) who hit me? I hadn't known he'd known about that. We talked for a time and then headed back to his house.

His wife, Donna, poked her head out the front door and ordered me to go HOME as we were on the sidewalk before we'd reached the front of the house.


HOME for me that night was Arthur Madden's house, a few blocks away, on Midland. I think he and Dora were married then. She was the "twig lady" according to some neighborhood kids, 'cause she spent a lot of time picking up twigs in Jenalee's front yard (Arthur's first wife, friend to Father McCaffrey).

I didn't know why Donna was so upset. John was my brother. I had a right to talk to MY brother. But she shooed me away very rudely and harshly. I believe it was that night that I went away wondering if she thought I'd fuck my own brother.

Donna had been a professor of Political Science at Baldwin Wallace when she and John met. He was one of her students.

John told me she was a virgin, and that he'd broken off his engagement with Donna Harper, a woman he loved, because she had confided to him that she'd lost her virginity in college.

(I was around age twelve when John and I had this discussion. I was visiting Ohio from Florida and we were walking from Grandma’s to somewhere. [He had lived with Grandma for a few years between his time in the Army and the time of his marriage.] It was kind of an unusual thing for him to bring up with me. I asked John if he was a virgin, because it wouldn’t be fair of him to expect that from a woman if he wasn’t a virgin himself. He said he was, but he wasn’t very convincing.)

I believed, during one visit to John and Donnamarie's house behind St. Raphael's, that John was having sexual thoughts about me. But I had good boundaries, believe it or not, and would not have gone to bed with my own brother.

I have been pummelled and beaten into nothingness because I was sweet and beautiful and men liked me and loved me. That is and was my greatest crime.

Small women will torture a woman like me to keep their turf. And pussy-whipped men cow-tow to them. And the greatest evil in the world is a result of this.


I believe that George Herbert Walker Bush was appointed to his first political position (though evidence indicates he was already C.I.A. by the time John Kennedy was assassinated.) After that I think GHW Bush may have won a TX election. He was never a popular man. Just a touch more capable of below-the-belt evil than most evil men.

Please see:

"George Herbert Walker Bush"


"How the Bush family made its fortune from the Nazis"


"Notes, updated November 12, 2004"

For information on George H.W. Bush and his (and Reagan’s) administrations’ connection to Larry King of the Franklin Savings & Loan scandal (Nebraska), please read “The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska” by John W. DeCamp (AWT, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska, 1992, ISBN# 0-9632158-0-9).

For example, excerpts from page 169:
...King acquired contacts in Washington’s homosexual prostitution scene, one of whom was the late Craig Spence. A lobbyist and political operative, Spence maintained a call boy ring that catered to the political elite and, unlike most D.C. call boy rings, offered children to its clients.

Spence’s activities made banner headlines in the Washington Times on June 29, 1989: ”Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush.” Spence’s access was so good, that he could arrange nighttime tours of the White House for his clients. The Times added on August 9, 1989, that Spence “hinted the tours were arranged by ‘top level’ persons, including Donald Gregg, national security advisor to Vice President Bush…” Spence, according to friends, was also carrying out homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA.

...When Spence turned up dead – a suicide, police were quick to say – in a Boston hotel room, in November 1989, it was the latest in the long string of deaths of persons linked to Iran-Contra covert operations and funding.


My Guide says John loved me but he could not stand up to his mother or his wife.

He picked some of us up at the airport once while he and Donna (wife) were living in their first house in Bay Village. Donna had not yet taken her bar exam by that time. (They lived just behind St. Raphael's when she was remarking about how nervous she was about the exam. She was sick until she got the results, and she had done very well.)

We stopped at a lounge on the way to Bay Village from the airport. John and I danced, and then he whispered in my ear, "Don't tell Donna."

The summer before my parents and all others destroyed my immortal soul for the first time, John and Donna were living in the house behind St. Raphael's. John and I took a walk one evening and sat down to talk on the steps in front of the the building where the priests lived.

He asked me something like how could I love a man (Dino) who hit me? I hadn't known he'd known about that. We talked for a time and then headed back to his house.

His wife, Donna, poked her head out the front door and ordered me to go HOME as we were on the sidewalk before we'd reached the front of the house.

HOME for me that night was Arthur Madden's house, a few blocks away, on Midland. I think he and Dora were married then. She was the "twig lady" according to some neighborhood kids, 'cause she spent a lot of time picking up twigs in Jenalee's front yard (Arthur's first wife, friend to Father McCaffrey).

I didn't know why Donna was so upset. John was my brother. I had a right to talk to MY brother. But she shooed me away very rudely and harshly. I believe it was that night that I went away wondering if she thought I'd fuck my own brother.

Donna had been a professor of Political Science at Baldwin Wallace when she and John met. He was one of her students.

John told me she was a virgin, and that he'd broken off his engagement with Donna Harper, a woman he loved, because she had confided to him that she'd lost her virginity in college.

I believed, during one visit to John and Donnamarie's house behind St. Raphael's, that John was having sexual thoughts about me. But I had good boundaries, believe it or not, and would not have gone to bed with my own brother.

I have been pummelled and beaten into nothingness because I was sweet and beautiful and men liked me and loved me. That is and was my greatest crime.

Small women will torture a woman like me to keep their turf. And pussy-whipped men cow-tow to them. And the greatest evil in the world is a result of this.

I believe that George Herbert Walker Bush was appointed to his first political position (though evidence indicates he was already C.I.A. by the time John Kennedy was assassinated.) After that I think GHW Bush may have won a TX election. He was never a popular man. Just a touch more capable of below-the-belt evil than most evil men.

Please see:

"George Herbert Walker Bush"


"How the Bush family made its fortune from the Nazis"


"Notes, updated November 12, 2004"

For information on George H.W. Bush and his (and Reagan’s) administrations’ connection to Larry King of the Franklin Savings & Loan scandal (Nebraska), please read “The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska” by John W. DeCamp (AWT, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska, 1992, ISBN# 0-9632158-0-9).

For example, excerpts from page 169:
...King acquired contacts in Washington’s homosexual prostitution scene, one of whom was the late Craig Spence. A lobbyist and political operative, Spence maintained a call boy ring that catered to the political elite and, unlike most D.C. call boy rings, offered children to its clients.

Spence’s activities made banner headlines in the Washington Times on June 29, 1989: ”Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush.” Spence’s access was so good, that he could arrange nighttime tours of the White House for his clients. The Times added on August 9, 1989, that Spence “hinted the tours were arranged by ‘top level’ persons, including Donald Gregg, national security advisor to Vice President Bush…” Spence, according to friends, was also carrying out homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA.

...When Spence turned up dead – a suicide, police were quick to say – in a Boston hotel room, in November 1989, it was the latest in the long string of deaths of persons linked to Iran-Contra covert operations and funding.



Embedded link “url” for “Conspiracy of Silence Part I”:

Embedded link “url” for “Conspiracy of Silence Part II”:

Embedded link “url” for “Conspiracy of Silence Part III”:

Embedded link “url” for “Conspiracy of Silence Part IV”:

For screen captures of the full post, please see:

Harvey&Lee - He's got 'em -- my post, Jan 13 2004, 12:31 PM


Excerpt from:

Letter to Mary M, April 1989 -- not sent



Me, around 1979:




My Guide, whom I believe to be God, as I did when I was alone in my apartment in 1985 and suicidal (please see "Round Two:, says:

Laura is from the Divine and she was sent here to help and to love and to teach. We are the "Sensual Beings" written about in suppressed texts, and the enemies of God know this. They engineered religion and society to be about sexual repression.

People bought into it and that is why My enemies have been able to convince religious leaders and even politicians around the world that they are better of continuing this war on God and God's people.

Please understand that Laura was raped and tortured and and gang-banged during rituals as a child. When she found her own sexuality, her brain was stimulated by wires previously implanted to urge her to be insatiable for sex.

The evil United States has done such an effective job at slandering this lovely woman that even the Muslim countries want nothing to do with her.

Therefore, as it is written in the Bible... interruption...

It is not for you to consider...

Laura doesn't think you can give up your positions of power over women.

Therefore, as it is written in the Bible that Laura loves and honors, you will all be destroyed.

The End.



Laura was most appalled by the news story out of Saudi Arabia where 15 schoolgirls were left to BURN TO DEATH because the religious police would not permit them to exit because they were not properly attired, according to their repressive rules and regulations.




I am unable to upload picture files at this time. This is a text-only version of "Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue" from the BBC, March 15, 2002.

If I become able to upload picture files in the near future, I will try to remember to publish screen captures of the article.



Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue


You are in: World: Middle East

Friday, 15 March, 2002, 12:19 GMT

Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue

Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.

In a rare criticism of the kingdom's powerful "mutaween" police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.

About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.

According to the al-Eqtisadiah daily, firemen confronted police after they tried to keep the girls inside because they were not wearing the headscarves and abayas (black robes) required by the kingdom's strict interpretation of Islam.

One witness said he saw three policemen "beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya".

The Saudi Gazette quoted witnesses as saying that the police - known as the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice - had stopped men who tried to help the girls and warned "it is a sinful to approach them".

The father of one of the dead girls said that the school watchman even refused to open the gates to let the girls out.

"Lives could have been saved had they not been stopped by members of the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice," the newspaper concluded.

Relatives' anger

Families of the victims have been incensed over the deaths.

Most of the victims were crushed in a stampede as they tried to flee the blaze.

The school was locked at the time of the fire - a usual practice to ensure full segregation of the sexes.

The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time.

Those who refuse to obey their orders are often beaten and sometimes put in jail.

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