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See below.  I was told the man who referred me for testing was Rick Levinson.


Richard Levinson, President BSCS, Richard Levinson is the founder of Attention Control Systems. He has been developing Artificial Intelligence for autonomous systems for twenty six years. Levinson developed Unified Planning and Execution systems for more than 20 years at NASA Ames Research Center. He has numerous publications and is Principal Investigator for all ACS research projects. He is responsible for design and development of advanced software features for PEAT. 




 "MPD/DID or Not? And Peculiar Tests"



In hindsight, I've been curious about two long, involved psychological tests I took in the year before the games began.  (As per update below, it was within two years.) Both tests were given to me within less than a year of each other.  (Per update, the gap would have been closer to two years.) The significance of these occurred to me before, but just now, at this exact moment, I realize how strongly at least one test points to the involvement of my university in what was happening to me.

  I mentioned on other pages that strange things would happen to me on my college campus.  For one, strangers on campus would repeat lines from texts that had made an impression on me. I also said how odd it was that so many of the people who crossed my path during the game-years were pre-med, medical students and physicians associated with the university.  This was true even after I dropped out of school, and for the four years after that.  Even Dino was a student there.

  I'm quite sure it was in my junior year, in the fall, almost a year before the games began, that I received a request from the university to report to one building or another for a series of tests.  (As per Update, it was the spring of my sophmore year.) I was a bit confused and intimidated by this.  I was told I had been chosen at random to participate in a series of personality and preference tests.

  The tests were to extend over a period of a few weeks.  The tests themselves were conducted during five or six separate sessions, each lasting a few hours.  I was told this would benefit me in that I would be able to see where my tested preferences merged with my career choices, etc.

  Among the tests was one irritating, frustrating psychological test that just seemed to last forever.  It asked the same questions in every different way imaginable.  There must have been maybe a dozen basic questions that they permutated to death, asking each from about a hundred different angles.

  I can accept that a university might do such things at random.  For what purpose, I don't know.  I don't recall ever seeing any other students taking tests while I was there.  It seemed that every time I went, I was alone.  So who were these other students "chosen at random?"

  UPDATE May 2, 2001:

  I called the university and was directed to their counseling center for more information.  I explained that I had been chosen at random for a series of tests years ago and was wondering if I might have a copy of the results. 

  They had me on record for two visits to the counseling center which would have been consistent, I was told, with the tests I described.  The man said the tests themselves would have been conducted elsewhere, but the counseling center would have done the initial consultation about which tests I was to take, and then a second consultation to explain the results.  (I was never consulted about which tests to take.)

  My recollection of the dates for the tests was incorrect.  I did not take them in the fall of my junior year as I thought.  I took them in the spring of my sophmore year.

  The man I spoke with said he'd been with the university for thirty years, and at no time did he recall the university conducting these tests at random.  These tests were conducted for students at their request, he said.  He added that this service was available to the community at large as well, for a fee.

  I told him I hadn't known the university provided such services for students, so I could not have requested them on my own.  I reiterated that I was told I had been selected at random to take them.

  He did not have a copy of the results, but he had a record of the dates I visited the counseling center.  Then he told me the name of the man who had referred me for testing,and assumed I would know who that was.  The name was not familiar to me, and at no time had I discussed the prospect of taking these tests with anyone.  Like I said, I had been told I was selected at random.

  I asked if the man's name was familiar to him, and he said it was not.  He looked in a current directory of university staff/employees and the name was not listed.

  We agreed it was a bit of a mystery, and I thanked him for the information and hung up.   I called again a few minutes later because it occurred to me that it would be helpful for me to have documentation of my visits to the counseling center, and proof of the referral.

  By this time he was uncomfortable and he equivocated.  He was concerned, he said, that since it was a bit of a puzzle, it might be come a legal issue.  He stated that if I put my request in writing, he would consult with someone else at the university on the advisability of sending me written documentation. 

Otherwise, he said, he would be happy to give me all the information I requested over the phone.

  I have prepared a written request for the information and will wait for a reply.

UPDATE 5/16/01: 

Later in the day on May 2, after writing the first update, I did an internet search on the name I was given as the man who had referred me for testing. What I learned shocked me to the core. I've spent the last two weeks absorbing this, fearing new dangers, and seeking assistance. 

There were several search matches for this man's name. About the third one I came across stopped me in my tracks. There is a man by this name who did research for a government agency on subjects related to what I suspect was done to me. He is currently involved in work that relates to another aspect of this kind of research. 

I sat at my computer reading everything I could find about him, about his affiliations and his research. When I read the part about the research of the "other" aspect, I'd had enough. I wept - I didn't want this to be real. My husband was stunned and angered. Neither of us had expected to learn so much from a simple phone call, and neither of us are pleased that this all seems so potentially real all of a sudden. 

I was not able to find any information that linked this man to my university, nor even to the city where my university is located. Intuitively, however, I do think I've found my man. Everything fits. 

Needless to say, this has been overwhelming. 

My husband and I have compiled the information and documentation we do have, and put it in the hands of people we trust. If anything happens, the information will not be lost. (It occurs to me that Dr. Bennett Braun of Chicago did this very thing, and it didn't prevent "them" from destroying him utterly, but it's better than nothing.)

  Update 8/9/01:  As events have unfolded, I've been too frightened to draw more attention to myself by requesting the information in writing.