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Study of Evil -- A World Reappraised
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The Last Circle by Carol Marshall

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The Last Circle-Table Of Contents


The Last Circle

By Carol Marshall

Table of Contents 

Editor's note: I have certainly been astounded by the material contained in this "unpolished" manuscript, as I am sure you will. It is quite evident, that all of us, not just investigative journalists, have the capacity and opportunity to write something of value. In this case the pseudonimous Carol Marshall, happens to be a journalist. This document was sent to me by a close friend and confidant who has maintained, as I have discovered, that this unpolished document had been prominent for quite some time on the Web up until late 1996, but has since diappeared. If anyone has info as to its authors whereabouts please let me know. The material contained in this document is extremely volatile, as evidenced by Danny Casolaro's death, and I feel that I may be taking a tremendous risk by publishing this on the Web. I must also, unequivocally ascert my Right as a Human Being, to disseminate anything that I find of inherent value to the community at large.

I must admit that I am not as familiar with the Cabazon/Inslaw/Wackenhut/Casolaro case as I should be, but that does not preclude me from sharing this important information with you. Your input and contributions are encouraged and welcome. I hope you find this significant.

Please read the Introduction first, as it sets the story properly so that the rest will follow logically. If you'd like to help me with brief descriptions of each chapter, I'd love to hear from you. Email me "">

Thank you and God Bless,

Jeff Davis, September 16, 1997.


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This page created by Jeff Davis. Common Law Copyright 1997 by Jeff Davis, All Rights Reserved.

Untitled DocumentThe Last Circle - Introduction & Chapter 1


Regarding "The Last Circle"

The following condensed version of The Last Circle was provided in October 1996 to a secret Investigative Committee comprised of Congress people, lawyers and former POW's at their request. I originally contacted Congresswoman Maxine Waters in Washington D.C. and offered information relative to CIA drug trafficking, but was told the information was too complex and would I mind putting the information into a newspaper story, get it published and send it to her office?

I agreed and contacted a local newspaper reporter who, after reading portions of the material, decided it needed to be reviewed by individuals who had special knowledge of CIA drug trafficking, arms shipments, and biological warfare weapons.

After a brief meeting with these individuals, former Special Forces soldiers from the Vietnam era, they asked for copies of the manuscript, guaranteed an immediate congressional inquiry, and advised me NOT to place the information on the Internet as they feared the information could be, in their words, "taken as just another anti-government conspiracy."

I condensed the manuscript into the attached treatise, covering information relative to THEIR focus, and sent it to them along with key documents. Shortly afterward, they re-contacted me and set up elaborate security measures to insure my safety. As of this writing, I've had no need to institute those measures.

I have in my possession five boxes of documents, obtained from a convicted methamphetamine chemist whose closest friends were a 20-year CIA operative and a former FBI Senior-Agent-in-Charge of the Los Angeles and Washington D.C. bureaus. The labyrinthine involvements of these people and their corporate partners is revealed in this manuscript, along with information obtained by Washington D.C. journalist Danny Casolaro prior to his death in 1991.

A great deal of investigation still needs to be accomplished. I have neither the financial means nor the ability to obtain "evidence" for "prosecution." I am simply an investigative writer, placing this information into the public forum in hopes that someone, somewhere, will grasp the significance of the data and initiate a full-scale investigation with subsequent subpoena power.

With subpoena power, government agents can testify (some kept anonymous in this manuscript) who would otherwise lose their jobs and retirement if they came forward. Witnesses can be protected and/or provided immunity, and financial transactions of government and underworld figures can be scrutinized.

To date, I have not had more than one hour conversation with anyone associated with any Congressional investigation, and therefore am extremely limited in my ability to present the information I have. Much of what I learned during my five-year investigation cannot at this point be inserted into a manuscript. I must be assured the information and witnesses will be handled appropriately.

I personally do not believe the Department of Justice will ultimately "prosecute" this or any other drug trafficking case if it involves government officials. But I have made the effort to put forth enough information to generate interest and show good faith. I hope it will be of some value to the American public.

Please keep in mind as you read the attached pages that the complex corporate structures and technological projects described herein "may" have been nothing more than an elaborate smoke and mirrors cover for narcotics trafficking.

This aspect of my investigation was corroborated by several government investigators, one of whom was a House Judiciary investigator, who spent three years investigating the Inslaw stolen software case and said in response to my findings:

"There's some great information here. You did a very good investigative job, I have to commend you on that. I realize it's only a fraction of everything you have. What you have done, you have put the pieces of the whole thing together. Little bits and pieces of things that I have known about, that I had theorized about, you have found answers to those specific questions." (See Chapter 13 for entire conversation). That investigator is now in the White House Office of Drug Control Policy.

To those interested, nearly everything noted in the attached manuscript is supported by documents or tape recorded interviews. Some are extremely bulky and not quoted extensively in the manuscript, such as lengthy FBI wire tap summaries. However, any key documents mentioned in The Last Circle can be obtained by notifying JBC@BITTERROOT.NET. "This E - Mail address is a forwarding service for the author, the service has no information as to the author's physical location. Documents are NOT located at the service address. 

Document orders will be shipped directly by the author from another location. Cost of shipping and copying will be returned via E - Mail. Attached to each document is a cover page identifying the significance of the document and its relation to the manuscript. Hard copies of the manuscript can also be ordered.

I wish to thank Garby Leon, formerly Director of Development at Joel Silver Productions, Warner Bros. in Burbank, California for tirelessly prompting me to get a first draft of The Last Circle written in 1994 and helping me with countless tasks during our joint investigation of the death of Danny Casolaro.


  Available in book form at Amazon, published in 2010.

Author's real name: Cheri Seymour.